The title is quite symbolically called Big NEWs, and you will shortly realise why. Today I am so happy that I can tell you I will be going to Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York next week! I got invited to attend quite a few shows and cannot wait to share it all with you. This is such a big thing for my blog, and I am still in shock with excitement.
Past days have been so busy, because I had to plan and organise a lot of things. Flights, shows, RSVPs, bits and bobs, and as everything is happening so fast I feel like it requires at least 5 people to organise all of this.
Another New things, besides NEW YORK is my gorgeous navy Phillip Lim Pashli bag. I wanted a navy bag since what seams like ages, and its finally mine. It will come in super handy on my trip too, as its perfect for lap top and camera :) I will be flying on Thursday, and until then there is loads of packing, preparing and organising to do. Wish me luck!
Naziv ovog posta je simbolicno Big NEWs, a uskoro cete otkriti i zasto. Danas sam veoma srecna i zahvalna da mogu da kazem da sam pozvana na Mercedes Benz Fashion Week u Njujorku koji pocinje sledece nedelje. Pozvana sam na dosta revija i ne mogu da docekam da sve to podelim sa vama. Ovo je velika stvar za moj blog, tako da sam jos u soku od uzbudjenja.
Proteklih dana sam bila prezauzeta organizacijom i planiranjem svega. Let, revije, RSVP, sve su to krupne i sitne stvari koje je trebalo zavrsiti, pa mi se cini kao da je za ovo potreban tim od najmanje 5 ljudi.
Druga nova stvar, osim NEW YORK-a je moja savrsena teget Phillip Lim Pashli torba. Zelela sam teget torbu jako dugo, ali nisam omgla naci savrsenu sve do sada. Bice odlicna na mom putovanju, jer u nju stane i lap top i foto aparat :) Let mi je u cetvrtak, a do tada imam mnogo pakovanja, pripreme i organizovanja da zavrsim. Poelite mi srecu!
You will all be able to win this gorgeous necklace soon!
Uskoro cete moci i da osvojite ovu istu ogrlicu!