14 Jan, 2013

Vlog type of video

I filmed this video at the end of December, and thought I need to upload it, before it becomes irrelevant. You seemed to love these relaxed, vlog type of videos, so here is another one. Visited a friend in his fashion studio Dandylion Style, and had a dinner with work colleagues, just a fun filled day for me.

Snimila sam ovaj video krajem decembra, tako da sam odlucila da ga postavim pre nego sto zastari. Rekli ste da vam se jako dopadaju ovakvi videi, opusteni, od svega po malo, pa sam odlucila da snimim jos jedan. Ovaj dan sam isla u posetu prijatelju koji ima modni studio Dandylion Style i posle toga vecerala sa kolegama sa posla. Sve u svemu dan pun zabave