19 Jan, 2013

Shop with me

As a part of my project with Westfield London Shopping Centre, we went on of a hunt for a trendy item, that looks great and is less than £50. It was impossible to choose only one, so I made a video where you get to virtually experience shopping in Westfield London with me, and I pointed out some amazing items reduced to under £50, statement pieces and things worth every penny. We went to Top Shop and House Of Fraser, but I can tell you that I could have filmed a 45 min show on this topic if I went to more shops. Scroll down to see what went home with me.
Kao deo saradnje sa Westfield London trznim centrom, isli smo u malu potragu za stvarima koje su u trendu, dobro izgledaju i kostaju manje od £50. Bilo je nemoguce izabrati samo jednu stvar, tako da sam ja snimila video u kome mozete virtualno sa mnom uzivati u iskustvu. U videu sam vam pokazala neke stvari koje se isplate ili koje vrede vise, ali su snizene na ispod £50. Prodavnice u kojima smo snimali su House Of Fraser i Top Shop, jer bi ovaj video u suprotnom trajao najmanje 45 minuta da sam posecivala i druge prodavnice. Ispod videa mozete videti koje su stvari dosle kuci sa mnom.

Gorgeous embroidered jeans that were reduced from £85 to only £20 (previously reduced to £45)
And the shirt from the videoSavrsene crne farmerice sa zlatnim tkanjem spustene sa £85 na £20 (pre toga su bile spustene na £20)
Kao i kosulja iz videa.

sale in westfield london
westfield shopping
topshop jeans and shirt