Normally Im type of person that never stays at home. The feeling of possibly missing out always keeps me going, and I end up spending most of my free time out. However, since it has been colder than usually, all I want to do is work at home, drink tea and hot chocolate or watch a movie. This weather is keeping me wrapped up in my bed longer than usual, and I love it, for a change! Here is an outfit I wore yesterday, combination of my favourite items helped me feel amazing even in the cold weather.
Nisam tip osobe koji generalno ostaje kod kuce. Onaj osecaj u stomaku da cu nesto propustiti me uglavnom tera da izadjem napolje i zato najvise vremena provodim druzeci se. Ipak, od kako je zahladnelo, sve sto zelim je da radim od kuce, uz caj ili toplu cokoladu, ili da gledam film. Ovo vreme me je nateralo da ostanem ususkana u krevetu duze nego obicno, a to mi se za promenu dopalo. Ovde je outfit koji sam juce nosila, kombinacija mojih omiljenih odevnih predmeta mi je pomogla da se osecam sjajno i na hladnoci.