For the beginning of another amazing week here is an outfit post. Something that screams my name, a bit more feminine, with a twist. I decided to add coloured tights to an ordinary outfit, just because it changes the look completely. Wearing some of my favourite pieces together always puts me in a great mood, its like a secret recipe for a great day. This was an outfit for Sunday lunch, Sunday shopping and just good Sunday stuff. I want to use this chance to say Merry Christmas to all of my lovely readers celebrating it today, make the most of it.
Srecan Bozic mojim dragim citatateljima koji ga slave danas! Nadam se da ovaj praznik provodite u porodicnom okruzenju, u miru i sreci. Danasnji outfit je totalno u mom fazonu, nesto zenstveno ali sa malim preokretom. Carape u boji daju kombinaciji drugaciju notu, bas ono sto sam zelela. Omiljeni odevni komadi uvek nabace osmeh na moje lice i pravi su recept za odlicno raspolozenje. Vise od toga mi nije trebalo za nedeljni rucak, nedeljni shopping i sve ostalo!