And another Instagram post, as you know, you can follow me on instagram ( @theglamandglitter) or if you click HERE I post there my everyday activities, and show you another angle of my life. Here are some of the photos of the past week :)
Photos of the food are mainly from my video thats soon coming about fitness regime :)
I jos jedan Instagram post. Kao sto do sada verovatno znate, na Instagramu sam pod imenom @theglamandglitter. Kliknite OVDE da vidite moj profil. Tamo postavljam slike iz svakodnevnog zivota i sa vama delim razne dozivljaje. Ove fotografije su slikane protekle nedelje :) Slike hrane su uglavnom iz videa koji vas uskoro ocekuje, o ishrani :)
1.Outfit is Ready 2.At the Hairdressers
3.Make Up Of The Day 4.Arm Party
5.Lip Balm Addict 6.Work At Starbucks
7.Love Christmas Spirit 8.Happy December
9.Spinach, Banana, Peach Smoothie 10.Strawberry, Blueberry, Pineapple Smoothie
11.Skin Care Routine POST 12.Tea With My Daddy
13.Favourite Salad 14.Granola Breakfast
15.Make Up Ready 16.Wrapped up
17.Face of the day 18.Love Scones so muchhhh
20.Reality 21.After 48 hours no sleep