15 Dec, 2012

Almost Christmas

You asked me to devote a post to the festive season, so here are the things I am loving this monthZamolili ste me da posvetim jedan post carobnim praznicima koji dolaze. Ovde su neke od stvari koje sam morala da spomenem.


1.Seasonal Movies
This time of the year is always marked by my favourite childhood movies. Pretty much every December I watch Home Alone all parts, The Holiday, New Years Eve, Its a Wonderful Life, The Santa Clause and so many more. I love to make myself comfortable and warm and just relax with good old classics.

2.Favourite hot drinks + snacks
Besides hot chocolate with marshmallows, I love gingerbread latte, chai tea latte and all kinds of hot drinks. I love peppermint tea with honey as thats so wintery. I am a big fan of lebkuchen(specially the one mummy and I make), ginger biscuits and traditional Christmas cookies too.

3.Beauty products for staying cosy at home
In order to keep skin hydrated I love to reapply as often as possible my favourite Loccitane hand cream,  and Lanolips, or Dr.Lip. These products keep my skin soft and lovely. I also like to watch a movie with a good hydrating mask, or with my hands covered in cream tucked in the gloves. Winter can be perfect for pampering. I also love sparkly nail polishes for this season, as it puts me in the right mood.

4.Favourite Candles
Candles just make the whole experience so much better. I love the Christmas cookie, All is Well, Snow Fall, Cinna-Vanilla Danish Pastry, and Caramel Apple candles. They are my favourite festive smells, and besides gorgeous scents, they also make the room so cosy and beautiful when the lights are on.

For more photos make sure to check out my instagram @theglamandglitter 

1.Sezonski Filmovi
Kada je napolju hladno, a vi ne morate izlaziti iz kuce, predlazem da se toplo ususkate i pustite neki od omiljenih Bozicnih filmova. Svake godine gledam Sam u kuci, Odmor, Deda Mraz, Novogodisnja noc, Divan zivot i mnoge druge.

2.Omiljeno toplo pice i grickalica
Obozavam da pijem toplu cokoladu sa marsmelouom, kao i chai tea latte, latte sa djumbirom…Takodje mnogo volim caj od nane sa kasikom meda. Ova pica su najlepsa uz dobar film ili opustanje kod kuce. Za grickanje volim medenjake( pogotovo one sto pravim sa mamom), keks od djumbira i tradicionalne Bozicne biskvite.

3.Kozmeticki proizvodi koje volim zimi
Zimi kozu treba dodatno hidrirati, zato uvek kod sebe imam moju omiljenu Loccitane kremu za ruke, kao i Lanolips ili Dr.Lip mast za usne. Ovi proizvodi ne dopuste grejanju ili vetru da isusi moju kozu, neguju je i cine mekom. Dok gledam film, cesto namazem masku na lice ili ruke natopim kremom, pa stavim rukavice i uzivam u tretmanu. Zimi takodje cesto nosim lakove za nokte sa sljokicama, to me bas uveseljava.

4.Omiljene svece
Osim sto osveze prostor, mirisljave smece mogu da naprave neverovatan ugodjaj. Atmosfera je prava zimska ukoliko ugasite svetla i upalite neke od vasih omiljenih sveca. Ove zime u mom stanu ce definitivno goreti svece Christmas Cookie, Snow Fall, All is Well, Cinna-Vanilla Danish Pastry i Caramel Apple.

Za vise slika pogledajte moj instagram @theglamandglitter


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