28 Nov, 2012

Skin Care Routine

Quite often I get a question regarding my skin care routine. Mostly you ask about the moisturisers, and under eye creams,which inspired me to do a post about my skin care. In the video everything is described in detail, and below you can find the links with all the products listed. Video contains all the info, and I explained everything from make up removal to chemical exfoliators.

Cesto me pitate kako vodim racuna o kozi lica i kakva mi je rutina. Najvise pitanja dobijem za kreme i proizvode protiv podocnjaka, sto me je inspirisalo da uradim post na tu temu. U videu sam objasnila sve u detalje, a ispod mozete naci izlistane proizvode i linkove za njih. U videu sam obuhvatila sve, od skidanja sminke, do hemijskiog pilinga.IMG_3136

IMG_31351.Origins Checks and Balances Face Wash
2.Garnier Youthful Radiance Cleansing Gel
3.Sk:n Exfoliator with Glycolic Acid
4.Origins Clear Improvement
5.Origins Out of Trouble Mask
6.Clinique All About Eyes
7.Clarins Eye Gel
8.Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair
9.Origins Balanced Diet Moisturiser