With all the running around I realised I need to stay comfortable. When I woke up this morning, I went to get some coffee, then I did blog work, and left to London. All I wanted is a comfy, cosy outfit, and this Three Floor jumper from Styligion was perfect for it. Light pink is one of my favourite colours, and I am so happy I can wear it in the colder days too, thanks to this jumper. All of you asked how is house hunting going, and we are getting there :) Soon I might have to do outfits from the boxes hehe…
S obzirom da trenutno trcim na sve strane shvatila sam da je najbitnije da mi je udobno. Nakon sto sam se probudila otisla sam po kafu, zapocela rad oko bloga i posla za London. Sve sto sam zelela je da mi bude udobno i toplo, a ovaj Three Floor dzemper sa Styligion web sajta je sve sto mi je trebalo za to. Ova svetlo roze boja je jedna od mojih omiljenih i presrecna sam sto mogu da je nosim i na zimu, zahvaljujuci ovom dzemperu. Potraga za novim domom se polako privodi kraju (ja mislim), tako da cu se mozda uskoro oblaciti iz kutija :)