Waking up early, to have morning coffee with friends you haven’t seen in a while is priceless. My friends Marta and Mireia came from Spain, and we spent the whole morning talking about make up, blogs, girly stuff, work, school, Barcelona and all in between. I am so happy to have friends from all around the world, because it makes it so special to catch up and see them from time to time.
My Ghd competition is over and the winner is [email protected] Congratulation, you’ve got an email. In the meanwhile get ready for another giveaway soon, as there will be loads of them coming.
Probudila sam se rano, jer sam bila uzbudjena zbog jutarnje kafe sa drugaricama koje nisam dugo videla. Marta i Mireia, drugarice iz Spanije dosle su u London, gde smo provele celo jutro pricajuci o kozmetici, blogovima, zenskim zanimljivostima, poslu, skoli, Barseloni i svemu i izmedju. Presrecna sam sto imam prijatelje sirom sveta jer je toliko posebno sastati se sa njima nakon dugog vremenskog perioda. Ghd takmicenje je gotovo i srecna dobitnica je [email protected]. Cestitam, imas email. A ostali, ne brinite, jer uskoro spremam novi giveaway i necu stati dok svako ne dobije po nesto.
My Ghd competition is over and the winner is [email protected] Congratulation, you’ve got an email. In the meanwhile get ready for another giveaway soon, as there will be loads of them coming.
Probudila sam se rano, jer sam bila uzbudjena zbog jutarnje kafe sa drugaricama koje nisam dugo videla. Marta i Mireia, drugarice iz Spanije dosle su u London, gde smo provele celo jutro pricajuci o kozmetici, blogovima, zenskim zanimljivostima, poslu, skoli, Barseloni i svemu i izmedju. Presrecna sam sto imam prijatelje sirom sveta jer je toliko posebno sastati se sa njima nakon dugog vremenskog perioda. Ghd takmicenje je gotovo i srecna dobitnica je [email protected]. Cestitam, imas email. A ostali, ne brinite, jer uskoro spremam novi giveaway i necu stati dok svako ne dobije po nesto.
I wore: