Words cant describe how much I love cashmere. Im sure I have said this around million times on my blog, but there are certain random things I just love, like hotel breakfast, or fresh flowers. There is nothing better than wrapping up in cashmere when its fresh outside. It keeps you warm, cosy and it doesnt malt like angora does. So when I was contacted by Pure Collection about their products I was happiest girl on Earth. They have so many beautiful cashmere pieces, that it was hard to chose. I love this dress and think I will get so many wears out of it. Another thing I love is colour pink, again very obvious one. So I decided to add a bit of bright colours to the outfit with a pink belt and this gorgeous 31 Bits necklace. Never knew that you can make jewellery out of recycled paper, but here it is, this pink beauty was made by women in Northern Uganda of 100% recycled paper. And if you are thinking how, Im totally with you, but the cause is more important. 31 Bits is using fashion to empower women to raise above poverty. What do you think? I love it
Reci ne mogu da opisu koliko volim kasmir. Sigurno sam vam vec spomenula kako postoje odredjene stvari, vrlo netipicne, koje ja jako volim. Osim hotelskog dorucka i svezeg cveca na listi je i kasmir. Ne postoji nista lepse,nego udobno se ususkati u ovaj materijal kada je sveze napolju, a posto se ne linja zasluzuje posebno priznanje za razliku od angore. Kada su me kontaktirali sluzbenici Pure Collection-a u vezi njihovih proizvoda, bila sam presrecna. Imaju toliko lepih stvari od kasmira da je bilo vrlo tesko odabrati jednu. Ova haljina mi se jako dopala i mislim da cu je se nanosati. Osim kasmira takodje volim sve sto je pink. Zato sam odlucila da razbijem kombinaciju ovim kaisem i prelepom 31 Bits ogrlicom. Nisam znala da je moguce napraviti nakit od recikliranog papira, ali ovu lepoticu oko mog vrata napravile su zene iz Ugande od 100% recikliranog papira. Ako se pitate kako, totalno vas razumem, ali mislim da je svrha najbitnija. 31 Bits koristi modu da pruzi zenama mogucnost da se izdignu iz siromastva i omoguci im skolovanje. Koncept mi se izuzetno dopada, sta vi mislite?
Use code GLAM20 to get discount on 31 Bits
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