Just a very comfortable outfit today. I spent the whole day house viewing so I needed to feel warm and cosy. This particular pair of Ugg’s is the most comfortable one I own, so that ticks all the boxes.
Its slowly getting colder here, and that means more winter accessories too :)
If you havent entered, dont forget to check out my giveaway HERE, for a chance to win some clothes of your choice!
Danas sam obukla nesto veoma jednostavno. Ceo dan sam provela razgledajuci stanove i kuce koje su na trzistu, tako da sam zelela da se osecam toplo i udobno. Ovaj par Ugg cizmi je najudobniji koji imam, tako da su one bile ocigledan izbor. Polako postaje hladnije i ovde, sto zimske modne dodatke cini neophodnim. Ukoliko se niste jos prijavile za ucestvovanje u mom novom giveaway-u, uradite to OVDE, za sansu da osvojite odecu po svom izboru!