I woke up early because I had a meeting, which was really successful. After that, I went to Starbucks and started the fun part of the day. I went shopping, had a nice long walk at the seafront and delicious lunch. As soon as I got home, I took out all the cosy, warm winter clothes and put the summer clothes away for their yearly winter sleep and also chose the clothes that I won’t wear anymore to give it to charity. Now it’s almost the end of the day and I will spend it watching TV shows in bed as I am super tired.
Danas sam ustala jako rano zbog vaznog sastanka koji je odlicno prosao. Posle toga sam skoknula do Stabucksa i zapocela zabavan deo dana. Odlazak u kupovinu i setnja obalom mora su mi otvorili apetit za ukusnu italiansku hranu. Cim sam dosla kuci raspakovala sam udobne, tople dzempere i odlozila letnju garderobu kao i odecu koju cu pokloniti u dobrotvorne svrhe. Vec je kasno, a posto sutra radim, ostatak dana cu provesti gledajuci serije u krevetu.