4 Oct, 2012

Phantom Card Experience

After posting on Twitter about Phantom Card, a lot of you asked me how to get it and what is it. So I decided to write a post about my experience. Phantom Card is a discount card anyone can get, and save 50% on food and drinks in many restaurants around UK. On a rainy day I went with my friend Lara to Square Bar in Hove, where we had cocktails, food and dessert. It was amazing, and at the end we 2 for 1, can it be any better? For this occasion I picked a casual but girly outfit. I love leopard print mixed with dark green or burgundy colour. If you want to get a Phantom Card, you can get £15 discount if you type in code GLAM :)Na Twitteru sam skoro pricala o Phantom kartici, zbog koje sam dobila mnogo pitanja. Zato sam odlucila da napisem ovaj post i razjasnim sve nedoumice mojim citateljkama u Engleskoj. Phantom Card mi omogucava popuste od 50% u raznim restoranima i ugostiteljskim objektima. Ovog kisnog dana sam sa drugaricom Larom skoknula do Square Bar-a u Hovu, gde smo pile koktele, rucale i uzivale u desertu. Izabrala sam kombinaciju u kojoj sam se osecala udobno i lepo, pogotovo sto volim da kombinujem leopard print sa petrolej zelenom ili bordo. Ukoliko pozelite da imate Phantom Card (moje citateljke iz UK, znate koje ste) mozete dobiti snizenje od £15 ukoliko ukucate kod GLAM



UntitledWe Officially saved 50%


I wore:



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