17 Aug, 2012

Something Different

As I am still at home, but only for a short while, I wanted to take photos in a different way. I spotted this building site the other day, and realised that I would never be able to take photos at one of those in England, so made the most of it. I cant even explain how much fun it was to mess about around these huge machines, haha, I felt like a child all over again. Outfit I wore is a bit vintage, with those tied up shirts which are coming back to fashion again. Even though I dont wear cropped and short tops, I absolutely love this one!
Posto sam i dalje kod kuce, ali samo jos malo, odlucila sam da se slikam na drugaciji nacin. Ugledala sam pre neki dan ovo mesto i shvatila da se u Engleskoj nikad ne bi mogla slikati pored ovakvih masina i to mi je odma bilo zanimljivo. Ne mogu ni da vam objasnim kako je bilo zabavno i uzbudljivo, osecala sam se kao malo dete. Kombinacija koju sam nosila je malo vintage, zbog kosulje koja se vezuje. Ovakve stvari se ponovo vracaju u modu. Iako ne volim da nosim kratke majice i go stomak, ova kosulja mi je fenomenalna!

I wore