2 Aug, 2012

Olympic Games

Being in London at this moment can be difficult at times, but today I was more than happy to be here. Thanks to my gorgeous friend Biljana, whose blog you HAVE TO check out, I watched a tennis match today. It was a lot of fun, and us girls really enjoyed it. I must tell you straight away that Biljana looks even prettier in real than on her photos, and we had so much to talk about: blogs, make up, fashion. It’s so easy to make friends when you have same interests. We ate, talked, watched tennis, and after taking photos in Wimbledon, finished this amazing day :) Here are the photos we took for you.

Za vreme olimpijade uopste nije lako ziveti u Londonu, medjutim danas sam bila vise nego srecna sto se nalazim bas tu. Zahvaljujuci mojoj drugarici Biljani, ciji blog MORATE posetiti, gledala sam teniski mec. Bilo je jako zabavno, a mi smo uzivale u zajednickom danu. Moram priznati da Biljana uzivo izgleda jos bolje nego na fotografijama i veoma je pristupacna. Pricale smo o blogovima, kozmetici, modi… Vrlo je lako sklopiti prijateljstvo kada s nekim imas zajednicka interesovanja. Jele smo, pricale, gledale tenis i nakon slikanja u Wimbledon-u zavrsile smo druzenje vrlo vesele :) A za vas smo se i slikale.


Spotted on TV :)

I wore: