11 Aug, 2012

Novi Sad series

I decided to start series about my beautiful home town. Over the next few days, I will show you some gorgeous spots in Novi Sad, and the outfits I wore on daily basis. I thought I should start with Dunavski Park, place where I used to play as a child, with a gorgeous lake and swans in the centre of it. It always brings loads of memories, just walking through it. I love the morning light that we managed to catch. What do you think? For a day break, I picked this nautical outfit, with red details. Pictures were taken by talented photographer Nikola Sekeric

Odlucila sam da zapocnem seriju postova posvecenih mom prelepom gradu. U narednih nekoliko dana, pokazacu vam Novi Sad, uz kombinacije koje svakodnevno nosim. Zelim da vam docaram lepotu ovog grada. Smislila sam da pocnem od Dunavskog Parka, mesta na kom sam se kao mala igrala, oko jezera i labudova. Taj park uvek budi uspomene, cak i kad samo prodjem kroz njega. Jako mi se dopada kako smo uhvatili jutarnje svetlo. Za opustenu dnevnu varijantu izabrala sam ovaj mornarski outfit, sa crvenim detaljima. Na fotografijama se zahvaljujem talentovanom fotografu Sekeric Nikoli.

I wore: