And another Instagram post, as you know, you can follow me on instagram ( @theglamandglitter) or if you click HERE I post there my everyday activities, and show you another angle of my life. Here are some of the photos of the past two weeks :)
I jos jedan Instagram post. Kao sto do sada verovatno znate, na Instagramu sam pod imenom @theglamandglitter. Kliknite OVDE da vidite moj profil. Tamo postavljam slike iz svakodnevnog zivota i sa vama delim razne dozivljaje. Ove fotografije su slikane protekle dve nedelje :)
|Some new jewellery| |Photoshoot|
|Arsenal Fan| |Arm Candy|
|At the photoshoot| |Jewellery at the shoot|
|While Travelling| |Essie Fiji|
|Travelling| |Lady Gaga Glasses from HandM|
|Ice Cream| |Little Doggie|
|We reached 1000| |Me on TV|
|Reading my book| |Bracelets of the day|
|Love coffee at home| |How I travel|
|Mums Lunch| |Fave Salad|
|My Fave Skirt| |Make Up of the Day|