9 Aug, 2012

Gorgeous day in Belgrade

So after Novi Sad I popped to Belgrade for a couple of days.  At the moment I am sitting with my bestie Zorana check us out together HERE. Sipping ice coffee and chilling in the sun. At the minute I am soooo happy to catch up with old friends. After I woke up and got ready, daddy and I went for lunch with Zorana, in the beautiful belgrade fortress. That is where we took the photos too. I also took a few snaps of our fruit shopping just to show you how beautiful markets here are

Nakon zabave u Novom Sadu, skoknula sam do Beograda na par dana. Trenutno sedim sa najboljom drugaricom Zoranom, mozete nas videti u ovom POSTU. Pijem ice kafu i uzivam na suncu. Trenutno sam presrecna sto imam priliku da se sastanem sa svim starim prijateljima. Kada sam ustala i spremila se,  otisla sam sa tatom i Zoranom na rucak na Kalemegdan. Tamo smo se i slikali. Na kraju sam stavila par slika voca, cisto jer se svaki put odusevim prelepim vocem i povrcem koje mozete kupiti kod nas.

I wore