3 Jul, 2012

Orange blazer and the Hermes belt

I discovered a new love for orange. When I saw this blazer, I just knew that was it. The fact that it’s a bit wider and of thin material makes it perfect for these coldish summer days. I chose to combine it with simple jeans, and the new addition to the wardrobe, Hermes belt. I loved the Hermes belts since the first time I laid my eyes on one. They are very versatile and can be worn by both men and women.
This was an outfit for a short journey. I definitely became packing expert for 2-3 day brakes as now I am fine with just a weekend bag. After the most stressful exam of my life, I plan to make it up with a lot of spa visits hehe :)

Otkrila sam novu ljubav prema narandzastoj boji. Kada sam videla ovaj sako, znala sam da je to TO. Kroj i vrsta materijala ga cine savrsenim za ove hladnije letnje dane. Odlucila sam da ga kombinujem sa obicnim farmericama i novim dodatkom u mom ormanu, Hermes kaisem. Hermes kaisevi su mi se dopali na prvi pogled. Veoma su laki za kombinovanje i mogu ih nositi i muskarci i zene. Ovu kombinaciju sam nosila za kratak put vozom. Mislim da sam postala ekspert za pakovanje, pogotovo za kratke dvodnevne pauze, jer sada mi je potrebna samo mala rucna torba. Nakon onog stresnog ispita planiram da uzivam i da se maksimalno opustim.

I wore