28 Jul, 2012

New In and I passed

Yesterday was amazing day! I found out I HAVE PASSED my registration exam and there is no more studying for me. After that I treated myself to some shopping and fun with friends. Today I will post another outfit, as soon as I get back from watching football :) Here is my new baby

Juce je bio savrsen dan! Saznala sam DA SAM POLOZILA drzavni ispit tako da za mene nema vise ucenja. Nakon toga sam se pocastila kupovinom i uzivanjem s prijateljima. Danas cete videti jos jedan post, cim se vratim sa fudbalske utakmice :) Ovde mozete videti cime sam se pocastila

Miu Miu Black Coffer Bag
I wanted a black classic bag for every day, and the decision was right to get Miu Miu signature Coffer bag. I love it.
Htela sam klasicnu crnu torbu za svaki dan i odluka je pala na Miu Miu prepoznatljivu Coffer torbu. Predivna je.