29 Jul, 2012

Neon and Lace

During the Olympics there are a lot of events and parties going on in London. I am very excited and lucky to be here at the moment. Yes, traffic is absolutely crazy and streets are packed, but I am trying to get the most of it. Here is an outfit of a night out, I was going to an event and chose to wear a bit of neon with my new Jimmy Choo sandals. I love the final result. What do you think?
Za vreme olimpijskih igara odvijace se mnogo dogadjaja i zabava u Londonu. Jako sam uzbudjena sto sam trenutno ovde. Da, saobracaj je totalna ludnica i ulice su prepune ljudi, ali trudim se da izvucem najbolje iz svega. Ovde je jedna kombinacija koju sam nosila na zabavu povodom olimpijade. Dopada mi se sklop neon zute i ovih Jimmy Choo sandala. Sta vi mislite?

I wore: