Since I opened my blog you guys have commented on the ways I organise stuff. I know I am a bit of a control freak, but I do love my organisation, and not only the results, but the process of getting organised also. As it is exams period for most of you, I decided to share a video on how I organised my notes, books, papers,into different sections that will help me study and prepare for my exam.
Od kako sam otvorila blog, komentarisali ste dosta moj nacin organizacije. Znam da sam malo “kontrol frik” ali jednostavno obozavam organizaciju, i ne samo rezultat, nego i citav proces organizovanja. Posto je vreme junskih ispita, odlucila sam da podelim ovaj video sa vama o tome kako sam ja organizovala svoje beleske, knjige, sveske, i sve to u posebne grupe koje ce mi pomoci da se spremim za moj ispit.
There is no exact rule on how to do it. But there are several things that help me stay very focused, in spite of everything else.
1.You have to do it sooner or later, so why not just do it now, and get over with it. The hardest part of studying is to start and to be determined. You need to understand, that eventually you will have to do it, so do you want to give your 20% for months little by little, or do you just wanna tie yourself to a chair for several weeks, and get over and done with it, give your 100% and later you can enjoy 200% :)
2.Plan, plan, plan…How much time have you got? Have many pages, books and exercises? Divide this into equal proportions and just do each day one part. This way you wont panic day before exam because you haven’t read a whole book.
3. Organise your notes and your book, have al the additional information printed and divided into sections, mark important sections as such, it will save you time when revising, you wouldn’t need to waste hours looking for a paper, or an important part in the book.
4.Tell your friends that you are studying, inform your parents, switch of your phone, and the lap top. If you think you cant switch of your computer, as it helps you study, then block the social websites you visit for few hours.
5.Have breaks, and motivate yourself with little prizes for working hard. 6.Think of the time after to motivate yourself. Give yourself a little reward that will come after the exam to make you work on it harder. Little trip, watching favourite movie, getting your dream shoes, whatever motivates you to sit down and get over and done with it. I have heard a lot of different things that motivate people study.
1.Pre ili kasnije moras da polozis taj ispit, zasto to ne bi uradila odmah? Najtezi deo ucenja je pocetak i donosenje odluke da je to TO. Moras da shvatis da ces ovo svakako morati da uradis, da li ces dati 20% svojih mogucnosti i vuci ispit godinama, ili ces odmah dati 100% od sebe i zavrsiti ga za par nedelja na tebi je. Ukoliko das 100% sada, vrlo brzo ces moci da uzivas 200%
2.Plan, plan, plan…Planiranje je najbitnije. Koliko vremena imas? Koliko stranica, knjiga, zadataka? Podeli ovo brojem dana i svaki dan odradi jedan deo. Na ovaj nacin te nece uhvatiti panika dan pred ispit jer je najbitnija knjiga ostala neprocitana.
3.Organizuj beleske i knjige, sve dodatne papire i odtampane stranice grupisi, spoji i spakuj zajedno. Obelezi bitne delove i to ce ti ustedeti vremena za vreme ponavljanja.U tom slucaju neces utrositi sate trazeci bitne delove, jer ce oni biti jasno oznaceni.
4.Objasni prijateljima da ucis. Reci roditeljima, ugasi telefon i kompjuter. Ako ti je kompjuter potreban za ucenje, onda blokiraj sve sajtove koji ti odvracaju paznju na nekoliko sati.
5.Pravi pauze, motivisi se malim nagradama kad god zavrsis naporno ucenje. 6. Motivisi se vremenom posle polozenih ispita. Nagradi se putovanjem, cipelama koje zelis, ili gledanjem serije koju trenutno ne mozes. Neka ti to vreme bude podsticaj da sada zavrsis taj ispit jednom zauvek.