As you guys know, lately I’ve been just studying, hence the lack of posting. I really haven’t got much interesting to show, besides me in the library mainly studying with 3-4 other friends. It’s a very big exam, so posts might be sporadic for another week. Once I’m done with the exams, I have so many ideas and videos that I can’t wait to show you guys. Can’t wait to finally focus on my blog fully. You are all so sweet and supportive, thank you for that. Here is what a library in Brighton University is like, and what I am like when studying :)
Kao sto vecina vas vec zna, u poslednje vreme non stop ucim i zato nema puno postova. Nista zanimljivo se ne desava, tako da nemam puno daa vam pokazem.Po ceo dan sam u biblioteci, svakodnevno isto sa 3-4 drugarice. Ovo je veliki ispit pa ce u narednih 7 dana postovi biti malo redji. Kada ispit bude gotov imam jako puno ideja i stvari koje zelim da stavim na blog. Jedva cekam. hvala vam za svu podrsku i razumevanje. ovo je post mene u biblioteci, da vidite malo kako i to izgleda :)