1 Jun, 2012

Ballerina Type

Beautiful weather is here, meaning that my summer clothes is all out of the suitcase at the top of my closet. Later today I will go through it and decide what of it I am keeping, and what I will be passing on to friends and charities, as my taste tends to change from season to season. This week I worked very long hours, and this weekend I will devote to boring studies, but also catching up with my girls. Here is a slightly ballerina inspired outfit. I am really loving the jacket and the top that I got from amazing STORETS , though of adding high waisted shorts to sharpen it a bit. What do you think?
Vreme je prelepo ovde, sto znaci da je sva moja letnja odeca konacno oslobodjena iz velikog kofera sa vrha ormana. Danas cu proci kroz sve krpice da odlucim sta od prosle sezone zelim da zadrzim, a sta cu dati drugaricama i u dobrotvorne svrhe, posto se moj ukus menja iz sezone u sezonu. Ove nedelje sam radila jako puno, a i ovaj vikend moram da ucim, ali cu ipak odvojiti vremena da se vidim sa drugaricama. Ova kombinacija je inspirisana balerinama. Jako mi se dopala ova jaknica i majica koju sam izabrala i dobila sa STORETS sajta. Dodala sam duboki sorc da bih malo “poostrila” kombinaciju. Kako vam se cini?

I wore