24 May, 2012

Summer Holiday Essentials

Since I went to Barcelona, most requested post was on Summer Essentials! What I recommend, and take on a beach holiday. Here I tried to explain it all and give my views on it. So if you are in for a holiday, or even chilling in the sun this season, read on :)

Kada sam otisla u Barselonu stiglo mi je mnogo email-ova  zahteva da napisem post o mojim predlozima i nophodnim stvarcicama za odmor na plazi. Sta preporucujem i sta ja uvek nosim na letnji odmor. Ako ovo leto idete na more, ili makar planirate da uzivate na suncu sa stilom, citajte dalje :)

Perfect Bikini
This might seam obvious, but this is the most important thing for feeling good at the beach. You want to chose a colour that matches your skin tone, and the style that perfectly hugs your figure. No matter what the trend is this season, always chose the one you feel amazing in.Savrsen Kupaci
Ovo je mozda ocigledno, ali najbitnja stvar da bi se osecali dobro na plazi je kupaci. Izaberite kupaci u boji koja najbolje ide uz vas ten i kosu, a oblika koji najlepse istice vasu figuru. Bez obzira kakav je trend ove sezone, uvek uzmite onaj u kom se osecate kao zvezda.
Piz Buin Oil Spray SPF30, Jimmy Choo Sunglasses, Body Shop Coconut lip balm, L’oreal Solar Sublime Hair Conditioner and Leave In Conditioner, Garnier Ambre Solaire SPF50 Clear Protect, Ambre Solaire Lip and Face UV block

Sun Protection

And here I don’t mean just UV block or cream that you apply once daily and then lay on your sunbed for the rest of the day. You need to reapply a HIGH factor UV protection at least once every hour, so chose wisely. If you cant be bothered to rub in cream all the time, get spray or the oil. I recommend at least SPF 30, but if you are fair then go for SPF50, or children UV blocks :)
Besides the skin protection, it is very important to have sunglasses on. Here I dont mean as an accessory but as again protection of very thin and sensitive skin around the eyes. Go for the style in which you will look cool, but will also get full UV filter. Lip balms also come with SPF, and chose the lovely smelling ones, that will keep the soft and fragile skin of your lips moisturised and protected. If you are prone to cold sores this is so important, as UV rays cause them. Big hat can also keep your head cool at any times. When it comes to hair, I always use UV protection on my hair too. If you dye your hair, try and protect it with a fashionable scarf or hat, in order to preserve the colour, otherwise just apply loads of conditioner which will soak in during the time you are exposed to the sun.

Zastita od sunca
Ovde ne mislim samo na kremu za sunce koju namazete ujutru i onda lezite na plazi ceo dan. Morate naneti kremu sa visokim zastitnim faktorom, barem jednom u sat vremena, zato pazljivo birajte. Preporucujem najmanje faktor 30(u Engleskoj je to najmanji faktor koju mozete u apoteci dobiti na recept), ali ako ste svetlog tena, uzmite SPF50, ili kreme formulisane za zastitu decije koze :)
Osim zastite koze, jako je bitno da imate suncane naocare. Ne samo kao modni dodatak, nego kao i zastitu tanke i osetljive koze oko ociju. Izaberite oblik u kojem izgledate super, ali takodje stakla koja imaju odlican UV filter. Balzami za usne takodje sadrze zastitni faktor, pa izaberite neki lagan, koji prelepo mirise, hidrira vase usne i stiti ih od sunca. Ako ste skloni groznicama na usnama, ovo je jako bitno ih UV zraci izazivaju. Veliki sesir ce vas zastiti od suncanice, i cuvati glavu u hladu. Sto se kose tice, ja uvek koristim UV zastitu. Ako se farbate i ne zelite da vam boja izbledi na suncu, sesir ili velika moderna marama mogu mehanicki zastititi boju kose od sunca. U svakom slucaju mozete naneti i kondicioner za kosu dok lezite na plazi, koja ce je omeksati i uci u dlaku dok se vi odmarate na plazi.

Kiehl’s Soy Milk and Honey Body Butter, Body Shop Mango Body Butter, Laura Mercier Coconut and Almond Body Butter, Victoria’s Secret Coconut Passion Body Lotion, Victoria’s Secret Body Mist in Coconut Passion

Happy Skin
Sun dries the skin out, so its very important to keep moisturised. Bring your favourite body lotion and apply at night while your skin is cooling down. For skin prone to burning its always good to have something with Aloe Vera on hand. I chose always sweet smelling lotions, and spray, usually coconut, mango, or something tropical :)

Srecna Koza
Sunce dosta isusuje kozu, zato je jako bitno da joj pruzite hidrantnu negu. Ponesite svoj omiljeni losion i nanesite ga uvece dok se koza hladi i oporavlja od sunca. Za kozu koja je sklona opekotinama ponesite nesto sa Aloe Verom, jer ovaj sastojak smiruje opekotine. Ja uvek biram mirisljave losione, ili sprejeve. Uglavnom kokos, mango ili nesto tropsko :)

Beach Entertainment
If you easily get bored, it is crucial to have a book, magazine, or mp3 player/phone to enjoy the sun. I always bring some easy going book, relax on the towel, and get into the world of books main character while tanning. Its my absolute favourite thing to do. I get so into books, that I totally miss out whats going around haha :0

Zabava za plazu
Ako vam stvari dosade brzo, jako je bitno da ponesete knjigu, casopis ili mp3 player/telefon dok uzivate na suncu. Ja uvek ponesem neku laganu letnju knjigu, opustim se na lezaljci i uplovim u svet glavne junakinje knjige, dok mi koza tamni. Nekad se toliko udubim da nemam pojma sta se oko mene desava :0

OPI Pinking of you, OPI Fly, Models Own Yasmint, Tweezerman-Pedro, Soap and Glory-Heel Genius Foot cream/gel,
Clarins Foot Beauty Cream,( recommended to me by amazing reader Laura), Scholl Cracked Heel Balm with k+

Healthy Feet
There is nothing more beautiful than noticing how pampered someone looks at the beach. Feet are a massive give away on that. You can always tell if someone pays attention to their feet, as that is not something that can be done day before holiday (unlike everything else). Make sure you have some cool nail polish on your toes, there is no dead skin, and your feet are soft and corn free. It is very cheap and easy to maintain healthy feet skin. Few things that you need only.

Zdrava Stopala
Nema nista lepse nego kada primetite kako negovano neko izgleda na plazi. Stopala uvek odaju kampanjce. Uvek mozete provaliti da li je neko negovao stopala tokom godine, jer to nije nesto sto moze da se uradi dan pred put (za razliku od ostalih stvari). Nalakirajte neki moderan, drecavi lak na nokte, odstranite mrtvu kozu na petama i jastucicima, neka vasa stopala budu mekana i pobrinite se da nemate tvrde zuljeve. Vrlo je jefitno i jednostavno odrzavati zdravu kozu stopala. Samo par stvari koje morate redovno raditi.

Great Style
Specially if you are going to a holiday where beach means party. As its not very good idea to wear make up for the beach (and can cause break outs or met), there are still few things that can make you look like a style queen. I have been on a few holidays where beach looks like a club, where you get foam parties, loads of cocktails and loud music. Here your essential is a hot pink lipgloss, or a colour that you prefer, and maybe some waterproof mascara (it irritates my eyes, but if you get on with it, it can look great). Some plastic, dangly earrings, or necklace with your bikini, will give you a title of the beach queen.

Odlican Stil
Pogotovo ako letujete na plazi koja izgleda kao jedna velika zurka. Posto nije odlicna ideja da nosite sminku na plazi (moze vam izazvati bubuljice ili se istopiti) , postoji drugi nacin da izgledate kao kraljica stila. Bila sam na par odmora gde je plaza kao klub. Pena zurka u podne, kokteli i gasna muzika. Ovde je osnovno da imate neki sjaj za usne u ludoj boji, i mozda malo vodootporne maskare (moje oci iritira, ali ako je vama ok, moze da izgleda odlicno), neke plasticne, visece mindjuse, ili velike perle uz bikini ce vam obezbediti titulu kraljice plaze.

In the pictures I wore:

Love you all, thank you so much for amazing comments and feedback you are giving me. Without this amazing positive energy you give me I would never be able to write so much ! THANK YOU

Sve vas mnogo volim, hvala vam za komentare i savete koje mi dajete. Bez vas i ove fantasticne pozitivne enrgije koju mi dajete ne bih mogla da pisem toliko! HVALA VAM