15 May, 2012

Love my LOVE dress

Just before my bestie, Zorana, left to the airport I decided I MUST take her to Nandos. For all of you who live outside UK, Nandos is a chain of restaurants that is very very popular in England, and does grilled chicken,wraps, burgers…It was delicious and I think she liked it too.
After that we did some more last minute shopping and Zorana had to go :( It felt so nice having her here, as we always do these little fun things together. In this post I played a bit with my latest obsession, combining feminine garments with rough leather jacket. You can also have a naughty sneak a peak of my new Balenciaga bracelet that I love so much.

Pre nego sto je Zoka krenula na aerodrom odlucila sam da je MORAM odvesti u Nandos restoran. Za sve koji ne znaju, Nandos je lanac restorana koji je jako popularan u Engleskoj i radi najbolji rostilj. Uglavnom je to piletina, burgeri, ilipiletina umotana u tortilje…. Bilo je jako ukusno a mislim da se i Zorani dopalo.
Posle toga smo odradile jos malo kupovine i onda je Zoka otisla :( Bilo je divno provesti vreme sa njom, jer se nas dve uvek bavimo nekim zabavnim stvarima zajedno. U ovom postu igrala sam se sa mojom najnovijom opsesijom, kombinovanje zenstvenih komada odece sa koznom jaknom. Ovde takodje mozete videti moju novu Balenciaga narukvicu koju obozavam.