7 May, 2012

London Look

Im here with a quick outfit, of my weekend in London. After the Jimmy Choo event, I spent day  enjoying every single second of my time off. Today is bank holiday in UK, so I got amazing break of work. I caught up with Gossip Girl in bed, had loads of banana and strawberry milk shakes, ate in my favourite restaurant, cooked romantic dinner, went shopping for my next holiday and really enjoyed myself.
For a long time I looked for a perfect leather jacket, and was very happy when I got this one sent from SheInside website I love pairing rough leather jacket with something really feminine, as it gives the whole outfit special touch. So here is what I wore for a relaxed Sunday shopping in London.
Tu sam opet nakon vikenda u Londonu, sa novim autfitom. Posle Jimmy Choo eventa provela sam dane veoma srecna uzivajuci u svakom trenutku odmora. Danas je praznik u Engleskoj, tako da imam savrsenu pauzu od posla. Pohvatala sam sve epizode Gossip Girl serije u krevetu, pila milksejk od banane i jagoda, jela u mom omiljenom restoranu, spremala romanticnu veceru, isla u kupovinu za moje sledece putovanje i bas uzivala.
Vec duze vreme trazim savrsenu koznu jaknu i bila sam presrecna kada sam dobila ovu od SheInside butika. Obozavam spoj kozne jakne sa necim zenstvenim, da se dobije ta neka neobicna kombinacija. Ovde su slike nedeljnog autfita.

I wore:
BAG-GUCCI thanks to Profile