5 May, 2012

Jimmy Choo Event

Jimmy Choo has recently launched its new project. Stylemakers, an interactive website full of street style images. Everyone is invited to participate. You can upload your photo wearing Jimmy Choo style, on the new website. Website will be categorised into different groups, depending on location, from London, New York, over Shanghai to Sao Paolo. 
I was invited for the event, which was held in Arts Club, London. It was very early (at 9am) so I decided to wear something simple,yet stylish. I also opted for comfortable, as traffic at this time of the day in London is crazy. Underground was unavoidable. When I arrived Arts club was full of gorgeous footwear, accessories, and fashionistas, editors and bloggers.
I really enjoyed the day and think Stylemakers is a great project of Jimmy Choo. At the event, I managed to catch up with some other UK bloggers, like Inga, and I and even took a photo with amazing editor Caroline Issa.
For the event I was dressed by Profile, and am so grateful for the amazing clothes I picked :)

Jimmy Choo je skoro pokrenuo novu internet senzaciju. Stylemakers je internet stranica puna slika ulicne mode i svi su pozvani da ucestvuju. Mozete postaviti svoju sliku na kojoj ste obuceni u Jimmy Choo stilu, na njihovoj novoj stranici. Stylemaker ce biti podeljen u nekoliko grupa, u zavisnosti od lokacije na kojoj se nalazite, od Londona do Njujorka, preko Sangaja do Sao Paula.
Pozvana sam na Jimmy Choo dogadjaj, koji je odrzan u Arts klubu, u Londonu. Bilo je vrlo rano (u 9 ujutru), pa sam odlucila da nosim nesto jednostavno ali sa stilom. Takodje sam izabrala nesto u cemu mi je udobno, jer zbog nenormalnog saobracaja u Londonu u ovo doba dana morala sam da idem podzemnom. Kada sam dosla u Arts klub sve je izgledalo fenomenalno sa mnogo Jimmy Choo cipela i puno trendsetera, urednika casopisa i blogera. 
Meni je bilo predivno na ovom dogadjaju i mislim da je Stylemakers sjajan Jimmy Choo projekat. Imala sam priliku da se ispricam sa mnogim blogerima,pogotovo sa Ingom  i sa predivnom urednicom Caroline Issa.

Za dogadjaj me obukao butik Profile, a ja sam zahvalna za odecu koju sam odabrala.



I wore:


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