Living by the sea with this beautiful weather feels amazing. Everyone is at the beach, town is full of people and all the time I was bumping into friends. Its so much fun having the summer back and I constantly feel so happy. Today I went to town with my sister, her colleague and my close friend from university, It was so much fun, four girls shopping and enjoying the time out. We did spend a lot of time talking about pharmacy stuff but it was so much fun.
Thanks to STORETS I now have my favourite item for the summer. I never want to take it off. It is so comfy and versatile. In this post you can also see my first Tasnarija bag, that I designed myself. LOVE IT!
Zivot u gradu na moru je prelep kada je vreme ovako dobro. Svi su na plazi, grad je prepun ljudi i ja sam ceo dan danas sretala poznanike u centru. Jako je divno sto je leto opet tu i osecam se presrecno. Danas sam otisla u grad sa sestrom, njenom koleginicom i mojom drugaricom sa fakulteta. Bilo je jako zabavno, cetiri devojke u kupovini, bas smo se ismejale. Priznajem da smo provele dosta vremena pricajuci o farmaciji i razlikama u kompanijama, ali bilo je sjajno.
Zahvaljujuci STORETS internet prodavnici sada imam omiljenu suknjicu za leto. Ne zelim nikada da je skinem hehe. Jako je udobna i lagana. U ovom postu takodje mozete videti moju prvu Tasnarija torbicu, koju sam ja dizajnirala. OBOZAVAM JE.

I wore: