8 Apr, 2012

Questions and Answers

I was totally overwhelmed with amount of questions I received in my last post, so I filmed this video with as many as I could. Some of them I can answer separately, they just took too much time, and would have meant that video would be 5hours :) hehe
The video what are 5 key pieces that every girl should have will come soon :) So all other personal questions are here, tell me what you think

Apsolutno nisam mogla verovati kolicinu pitanja koje ste mi uputile, snimila sam video sa sto sam vise odgovora mogla. Ostale cu posebno odgovoriti, jer bi u suprotnom bilo nemoguce napraviti video od 5 sati :) hehe
Video koji ste trazile o stvarima koje svaka devojka mora da ima u ormanu cu snimiti posebno, ocekujte ga uskoro. Sva ostala licna pitanja su tu. Pa da cujem sta mislite