16 Apr, 2012

Front Row Society Scarf

Lately I am really into scarfs. An outfit can always be accessorised with a big, chunky, printed scarf. As you might know I have got loads of scarfs, with leopard print, sculls, flowers, but when I got this amazing scarf sent to me from Front row Society, I was completely swept off my feet. I love the colours, as they totally fit my spring wardrobe, and the print is gorgeous.
Scarf is made of eco material and the artist, Ana Silva Santos was inspired by her photographs of park. You can buy the scarf HERE
This time for a bit of shopping in town with my mum I picked a white linen dress as a base to this outfit, and red was another colour to combine with this amazing scarf. I felt really comfortable and girly. Really enjoyed wearing this outfit. What do you think about Front Row Society? Have you ever seen their products?

U poslednje vreme obozavam saleve i marame. Bilo koja kombinacija moze biti sjajno upotpunjena sa velikim, stampanim salom. Kao sto mozda znate imam dosta marama od kojih su neke sa leopard printom, cvecem, kosturskim glavama i slicno, ali kada sam dobila ovu maramu od Front Row Society-a totalno sam poludela za njom. Boje mi se jako dopadaju, i savrseno se uklapaju u moj prolecni orman.
Ova marama je napravljena od eko materijala, i umetnica Ana Silva Santos je bila inspirisana svojim fotografijama parka. Sal mozete pronaci OVDE.
Ovaj put sam sa mamom krenula u grad i izabrala belu lanenu haljinu za osnovu outfita. Dodala malo crvene uz koju se ova marama savrseno uklopila da sve malo razbije. Osecala sam se bas zenstveno i udobno. Iskreno sam uzivala noseci ovaj outfit. Kako vam se dopada Front Row Society? Da li ste videli jos neke njihove proizvode?

I wore: