2 Apr, 2012

Absolutely in love with Celine

So its finally mine! I’ve been stressing about getting Celine bag for a good few weeks, as its completely sold out everywhere in the UK. I tried pulling connections, and asking people who work in Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Selfridges, but apparently bag is the most demanded bag in the world at the minute, and it is out of stock. I was just about to give up on the bag and told myself that “there will be another bag I like” when my amazing boyfriend pulled his connections, and found out about delivery times to Selfridges.  They received two bags, and I managed to get the last one. My happiness is never ending.
I used my friends birthday as a perfect opportunity to carry this bag. I combined it with simple embellished collar shirt, and black trousers. Let me know what you think :)
Konacno je moja! Nekoliko nedelja sam se nervirala oko Celine torbe, jer je potpuno rasprodata u celoj Velikoj Britaniji. Pokusavala sam preko veza, pitala ljude koji rade u Harrods-u, Harvey Nichols-u i Selfridges-u, ali je torba proglasena za trenutno najtrazeniju i svugde je rasprodata. Bas kada sam htela da odustanem i ubedjivala sebe “ma bice neka druga koja mi se svidja”moj dragi momak je pronasao vezu i saznao tacno vreme kada su dve torbe stigle u prodavnicu. Ja sam uspela da zgrabim poslednju i mojoj sreci nije bilo kraja!
Iskoristila sam drugaricin rodjendan da je prosetam i kombinovala sam crvenu torbu sa crnim farmericama i kosuljom koja ima perlicama ukrasenu kragnu. Kako vam se dopada?

I tried to hide from my boyfriend behind the tree, but he got me haha !
I wore: