Hello everyone,
Today was so sunny, that I had to use every opportunity and take a few snaps. I had a lovely day, went to hairdressers, coloured my hair, cooked dinner and now am getting ready to go to cinema. I tried to stay away from shopping as my wardrobe needs re-organisation before I pile more clothes and shoes in.
Oh actually, that will last only shortly as I need a Birthday dress, girls never change :))
These boots mean a lot to me, I bought them one summer in Barcelona while learning the language. I walked in them a lot while sight seeing so they have a lot of lovely memories hidden inside.
Also this is a premier for my Tiffany key necklace that I wanted for such a long time, and finally got as a most amazing Valentine’s Day present. In this post you can see my lovely summer Gucci tote, that is perfect for all my things on a daily basis, I love it!!!
Cao svima,
Danas je bio suncan dan pa sam se potrudila da iskoristim svaki trenutak za slikanje. Uzivala sam u danu i nakon ovog slikanja isla kod frizera, ofarbala se, skuvala veceru i sada se spremam za bioskop. Trudila sam se da se drzim podalje od prodavnica i kupovine, jer moram dobro da organizujem orman pre nego sto dodam novu odecu. Hm zapravo takvo razmisljanje ce trajati samo do rodjendana jer mi je potrebna rodjendanska haljina, mi devojke se nikada necemo promeniti :)