29 Mar, 2012

Percy and Reed ASOS event

As a big ASOS fan, I was delighted when I got invited for their Percy and Reed event. For all of you that dont know who Percy and Reed are, they are hair dressers, and the ones with sense of humour. They have amazing clientele including some famous actresses, such as Diane Kruger. Event was lovely organized, and there were many (stylish) members of ASOS, as well as great spirited Percy and Reed team members. It was lovely listening to them and watching their little hair tutorials.
In this post you can see what I wore for this central London event. I again opted for my amazing GlamYou boots, that all of you know I love so much (and had so many compliments on). At the event I met some lovely bloggers, and got few gorgeous products, so watch this space for news. From what I have seen, their range is very different, luxurious and innovative. I really liked the idea of moisturising dry shampoo (very contradicting) and of their involvement during the product development. You can check out Percy and Reed products at ASOS

Kao veliki obozavaoc ASOS internet prodavnice, bila sam preuzbudjena kad su me pozvali na njihovu Percy and Reed promociju proizvoda. Za vas koji ne znate, Percy i Reed su frizeri sa sjajnim smislom za humor. Od klijentele imaju neke poznade glumice poput Diane Kruger. Dogadjaj je fenomenalno organizovan, i prisustvalo je mnogo ASOS stilista kao i preslatkih clanova Percy and Reed tima. Jako sam se zabavila slusajuci ih i gledajuci ove tutorijale razlicitih frizura. U ovom postu mozete videti za kakvu sam se kombinaciju odlucila za ovakav dogadjaj u centalnom Londonu. Opet sam se odlucila za moje omiljene GlamYou cizmice, zbog kojih sam dobila gomilu komplimenata . Kako je vreme odmicalo upoznala sam se sa sve vise blogera i dobila neke odlicne proizvode za kosu. Od onoga sto sam videla citava linija mi se cini mnogo drugacija od drugih, vrlo luksuzni i inovativni proizvodi. Jako mi se dopao hidrantni suvi sampon(vrlo kontradiktorno) kao i njihova predanost u toku razvoja proizvoda.  Mozete pogledati Percy and Reed proizvode na ASOS-u

I wore: