Hello everyone,
Its finally Friday, and I am enjoying in all the beautiful things. Before the weekend begins, I thought I ll show you todays outfit. I absolutely love pastels, and all the ice cream colours for this season. As a big Mulberry fan, their campaign for SS12 (that was done in Brighton) totally made me go crazy about pastels.
After work, I had a long shower, with my favourite Lush Its Raining Men shower gel, put a lace white bow in hair, and opted for this combination. Tell me what you think :)
Cao svima,
Konacno je petak i ja uzivam u svim lepim stvarima. Pre nego sto vikend pocne htela sam da Vam pokazem danasnju kombiaciju. Naprosto obozavam pastelne boje, sve boje sladoleda za ovu sezonu. Kao veliki obozavaoc marke Mulberry videla sam njihovu kampanju za prolece-leto 2012 i zaljubila se u predivne boje. Cim sam zavrsila sa poslom i okupala se mojim omiljenim Lush gelom za tusiranje Its Raining Men, stavila sam belu, cipkanu masnu u kosu i odlucila se za ovu kombinaciju . Recite mi kako Vam se cini :)
I wore: