25 Mar, 2012

Floral trend

Hello my lovelies,
What a beautiful weather we had this weekend! I used amazing opportunity to experiment with spring trends, to use random pieces that I bought for spring, and to see how they fit in with the clothes I already own. As I mentioned before, one of my favourite trends this season is print, specially flower print. So I got few things to spice up the outfits, and one of them was this shirt from Zara. It is something very versatile, as it can be worn very classically or casually too. To add a bit of neon, I paired it with Top Shop sandals, that are so comfortable, and trendy. Tell me what you think

Cao najdrazi moji,
Vreme u Brajtonu je bilo neverovatno ovog vikenda! Iskoristila sam svaki trenutak da eksperimentisem sa prolecnim trendovima i koristila neke komade odece koje sam kupila za prolece da vidim kako ce se uklopiti sa onima koje vec imam od ranije. Ranije sam Vam pricala da je jedan od mojih omiljenih trendova za ovu sezonu print, pogotovo cvetni. Izabrala sam par stvari da zacinim outfit, u ovom slucaju Zara kosulju. Vrlo je specificna, jer se moze koristiti u klasicnim i opustenim situacijama, u zavisnosti kako je kombinujete. Da dodam malo neon zute, uparila sam sve sa Top Shop sandalama koje su jako udobne i moderne. Kako Vam se cini?