5 Mar, 2012

February Favourites

Hello everyone,
As its already 5th of MArch I thought its about time for me to show you this February Favourites video :)
Dont forget that you can change the quality to HD or 720 if you have faster connection. If you have any questions you can ask me directly on twitter @tamarakalinic for immediate respone. So tell me what were your February Favourites?

Cao svima,
S’ obzirom da je vec 5. mart mislila sam da je krajnje vreme da Vam pokazem moje omiljene proizvode za mesec februar :) Ne zaboravite da promenite video na HD ili 720 ako imate brzu internet konekciju. Nazalost video je na engleskom, ali za bilo kakvu pomoc direktno me pitajte na @tamarakalinic tviter-u.
Koji su Vasi omiljeni proizvodi za februar?