10 Mar, 2012

Day trip to Bodiam Castle

Hello my lovelies,
What a day! I am back in my bedroom now, and still can’t believe the little adventure I had today. Shortly after waking up I headed to Bodiam Castle with my family (my mum and grandma are visiting for a bit). It is amazing castle built in 1385 and I can’t help but let it take me to that time. This blog is not about history and art, but I just love it so much, that I had to share it with you. After this little trip we went for a lunch and a bit of shopping. For this amazing occasion I picked my seasons favourite boots by GlamYou and my new favourite accessory, this beautiful Louis Vuitton scarf. With all this animal print/fur must admit I was a bit ware of ducks haha but they were so cute, I couldn’t resist feeding them. Also horses were gorgeous, I love animals, and it was so hard for me to say goodbye. Can’t wait to go back. Also here you can see my new Hermes bracelet, that I got as a first birthday present. I am in love with it, as it was a massive surprise!!!

Cao drage moje,
Kakav dan! Trenutno se nalazim u svojoj spavacoj sobi i ne mogu da verujem kakvu sam avanturu imala danas. Malo nakon sto sam se probudila, krenula sam u Bodiam zamak sa svojom porodicom (mama i baka su mi dosle u posetu). To je jedan predivan zamak, sagradjen 1385. godine i svaki put kad ga pogledm odplovim u to vreme. Znam da moj blog nije o istoriji i umetnosti ali sam morala to da podelim sa Vama jer mene takve stvari jako zanimaju. Nakon ovog malog izleta, otisle smo na rucak i u malu kupovinu. Za tu priliku izabrala sam moje omiljene GlamYou cizme i moj omiljeni sal Louis Vuitton. Sa svim ovim zivotinjskim printom i krznom moram priznati da sam bila oprezna od patki haha ali su bile toliko slatke da sam ih posle hranila. Takodje su konji bili prelepi, a posto ja obozavam zivotinje bilo mi je tesko da se oprostim sa njima. Jedva cekam da idem opet. U ovom postu takodje mozete videti moju novu Hermes narukvicu koja je jedan deo rodjendanskog poklona. Jako je volim, pogotovo jer je bila veliko iznenadjenje!!!

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