22 Dec, 2011

Bloglovin’ Amazingness

Hello my lovelies,
Today I have a little bit different post. A lot of people have asked me how do I keep up with all the blogs I like to read, so I decided to devote it a whole post.
Bloglovin’ is the best platform to keep in touch with all the posts and bloggers from all around the world.

 It is really good, as it shows you posts in chronological order , but can also inform you via email when one of your favourite bloggers posts.
So I will use this occasion to ask you to follow me on Bloglovin’ and if you dont have an account there DEFINITELY try and make one. Not for me, not for my blog, but it would help you with other blogs that you want to follow :)

At the moment I have finally reached top3 blogs in UK, on Bloglovin’ and that makes me extremely proud, happy and grateful! Thank you all so much

My blog in top blogs in UK

Love Tamara xoxo