Hello beautiful people,
Hope you are having a perfect weekend so far and are enjoying the time exactly the way you want!
Lately it is getting drastically colder so it is time to take all the floral dresses for their longgg sleep until next summer :)
I am really happy today to show you this amazing bracelet that added such a sparkle to my outfit, it is made of Aquamarine stones. You can find some amazing jewellery on this web site and is made by extremely talented Sarah Haynes. Her jewellery is made of semi-precious stones, is affordable and I find myself so lucky because I got one sent!!!
Soon there will be a pleasant surprise for all of you here on GlamandGlitter that Sarah and I are preparing :)
In the meanwhile, here is what I wore today. I woke up relatively early, went downtown, had the most amazing lunch with my boy and sis, so decided to show you few snaps as well