9 Jul, 2011

Just a Quick Hello


Hello my gorgeous blog readers!
I have some important news to share with you :) Yesterday at 2pm UK time my University results came out, and I GRADUATED!!! I finished two different courses at University of Brighton, and at the moment have a Masters in Pharmacy and Certificate in Spanish Language. I am so happy, words cannot explain. All I have been doing is celebrating,picking the phone up and saying a lot of THANK YOU! Haha, I feel a bit awkward to be a graduate,as I really LOVE university life and will miss commodity of sleeping till noon every day (when I feel like it) but I am also excited to see what life has to offer me!

I wonder if I am the only one that feels partially happy partially sad when finish university…Oh well,who knows what future can bring.
I was a bit tired but still decided to show you the photos from yesterdays lunch :)

I wore:
Love you all xoxo