19 Apr, 2011

This is NOT a fashion post :)

My lovely readers,

This post is not about fashion, it is about you getting to know me better :)
Or that is how I see it…I wanted to share with you what I like to do after a long hard day, when going out doesn’t feel so comfortable or  when I feel like I need some ME time :)

The list is quite long, but i will focus on today afternoon. I was quite tired, but still had loads of time before bed, so I put on my favourite and most comfortable tracksuit, made some peppermint tea, that is so refreshing and calming, took some style books that I love to flip trough for the inspiration, and lit the vanilla cookie candle on.

You see, I love candles, cinnamon, vanilla, cookie, eggnog , strawberries and cream…Those kind of spicy or just creamy sweet smells….Candles relax me and with a cup of tea and a good book or a movie, it does wonders to my mood.

So here you can see a few photos…Of course, I dont get a lot of evenings spent like this, but now that I finished writing my Final Year Project Draft, I felt like I deserve a quiet night in!!!

Im wearing:
What do you like to do in the spare time? Do you often have nights in?
Loads of Love
xoxo Tamara