25 Apr, 2011

Life is a walk in the park?

Hello my lovelies,
Do you know this feeling when you wake up and you know you had exactly enough of sleep, you feel like you should start smiling straight away and nothing can go wrong. Its not a bad hair day, food is lovely and you feel like your skin is so comfortable today!
Well I just had one of those days today(hope it doesn’t mean i will have the worst hair day tomorrow :/ lol )

I had to do a lot of studying, as exams are coming closer day by day, and I will make a post on that as well… But the thought of finishing university this year is keeping the smile on my face.
Book is not what I want to be looking into at the moment, I just want to have a dog, take a blanket, have a picnic by the sea and indulge in some chilled fruit cocktails :) ah well…Here is what a wore for a short break and a walk in the park, hope you like it :))))

I wore:
Love you all so much xoxo