Hello my lovelies..
Today was quite a nice day here in Brighton. Sea looked beautiful and with the satisfaction that I have completed a massive project for university it feels even better :)
At the moment I am mentally preparing myself to start studying for the summer exams, so I really want to enjoy a bit of fresh air, and do as much as I can before I tie myself to the chair :(
I got up with the Sun rays showering me trough the window. Instantly I put some music on, had shower, and stood in front of my wardrobe thinking what to wear :) Quickly I put it all on, a bit of lip gloss, mascara, this and that, so in just a few minutes I headed downtown, to grab a frappuccino with my best friends. We had a girly gossip and grabbed lunch. After that I had to go back home and organise some stuff in my room, jewlery mostly, where I hold my rings and other stuff is getting a bit messy so I need to sort out some better storage for it all!!
In the evening I made some italian for my sister and me, she came home, so right now we are going to watch new Gossip Girl episode and enjoy the early night (as last night I fell asleep at 3am haha#notcool)
Here are the pictures of the outfit ;)