So I decided I will do a little vlog for you lot…Because I already started talking about fall and have many inside hints of what the make up and fashion is ALL going to be about this season I will continue with that, but after a break…First I wanted to show you a bit from my Barcelona holiday…
This city is absolutely amazing, I love it so much and cannot help but come back every year for more :)
People here are warm,friendly and lovable, architecture is breathtaking, arts and museums are amazing, but for the ones interested in fun only, clubs are opened until 6am and they are the nicest looking clubs,full of people with the worlds top djs,all in all, they put Londons clubs to shame :s
Im trying to learn a bit of language here as well, which is going on pretty well and am also enjoying every second of it.
I love arts, beach, night life and Spanish culture…
Here are a few photos so that you can see summer casual style and maybe even some make up ;)
So…what did you do this summer? have you got any plans for the bits that are left? And what was your favorite combination clothes vise this summer???
Loads of love